Stats on disease
Are you interested in ordering Beamer's for your school with Optoshield Technology?
Do you want to protect your students/members from developing UV related eye disease?
UV light is directly linked to cancers of the eyelids and growths on the surface of the eye (ptergygium and pingueculae).
Many years later, chronic and long term UV damage results in an increased incidence of Cataract. Cataract is the third commonest cause of blindness in Australia and the most common operation performed on the planet.
Macular Degeneration which accounts for over 50% of blindness in Australia is also linked to UV damage.
Children's eyes transmit the most amount of UV light and are most vulnerable to damage.
How can Beamers help implement this policy?
We are happy to educate and facilitate Beamers into schools and sports clubs.
We have information packs to help transition this initiative. These are aimed at students, teachers and parents. We can support and co-ordinate directly with uniform shops and other providers.
If you would like to be at the forefront of eye protection please email us at